Test Your Skills

In this section, you will be presented with the shapes and symbols from all four training sections: day shapes, navigation lights, collision regulations and sound signals. Keep your mouse cursor within the white border, and the images will appear without the explanations.

As each image appears, try to recall what it stands for. To see if you’re correct, move your mouse cursor into the blue space around the image. The answer will appear below the image. This test-your-skills page is designed to present the images in an unfamiliar order.  The order will change each time you visit this page or when you hit the refresh button. Note: iPad users can tap the image as you would in selecting a hyperlink. Windows users require IE9 to take advantage of special functionality of this page.

vessel towing and in tow over 200 metres 500x400.jpg
Vessel is towing another. The overall tow length is over 200 metres.
vessel restricted ability to manoeuvre pass on diamond side 500x400.jpg
Vessel has restricted ability to manoeuvre: Dredging - It's safe to pass on the diamond side.
vessel restricted ability to manoeuvre 500x400.jpg
Vessel has restricted ability to manoeuvre.
vessel not under command 500x400.jpg
Vessel is not under command.
vessel constrained by draught 500x400.jpg
Vessel is constrained by draught.
vessel at anchor 500x400.jpg
Vessel is at anchor.
vessel aground 500x400.jpg
Vessel has run aground.
sailing vessel under motor 500x400.jpg
Sailing vessel operating under motor.
mine sweeping in operation 500x400.jpg
Mine Sweeper in operation. Keep clear.
fishing vessel 500x400.jpg
Fishing vessel.
diver down 500x400.jpg
Diver down in area. Stay clear.
navLights Vessel under 50 metres Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel under 50 metres. Under Way. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel under 50 metres Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel under 50 metres. Under Way. Port aspect.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Starboard Aspect Tow Under 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Starboard aspect. Tow under 200 metres.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Starboard Aspect Tow Over 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Starboard aspect. Tow over 200 Metres.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Port Aspect Tow Under 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Port aspect. Tow under 200 metres.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Port Aspect Tow Over 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Port aspect. Tow over 200 Metres.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Bow Aspect Tow Under 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Bow aspect. Tow under 200 metres.
navLights Vessel Towing Another Vessel Bow Aspect Tow Over 200 Metres 500x400.jpg
Towing another vessel. Bow aspect. Tow over 200 metres.
navLights Vessel Restricted Ability To Manoeuvre Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Restricted Ability to Manoeuvre. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel Restricted Ability To Manoeuvre Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Restricted Ability to Manoeuvre. Port aspect.
navlights Vessel Restricted Ability To Manoeuvre Bow Aspect Pass On Green Side 500x400.jpg
Restricted Ability to Manoeuvre. Bow aspect. Pass on the green light side.
navLights Vessel Restricted Ability To Manoeuvre Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Restricted Ability to Manoeuvre. Bow aspect.
navLights Vessel over 50 metres under way Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel over 50 metres. Under way. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel over 50 metres Under way Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel over 50 metres. Under Way. Bow aspect.
navLights Vessel over 50 metres Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel over 50 metres anchored. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel over 50 metres Anchored Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel over 50 metres. Anchored. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel over 50 metres Anchored Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel over 50 metres anchored. Port aspect.
navLights Vessel Not Under Command Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel is Not Under Command. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel Not Under Command Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel is Not Under Command. Port aspect.
navLights Vessel Not Under Command Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel is Not Under Command. Bow aspect.
navLights Vessel Constrained By Draught Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Constrained By Draught. Starboard aspect.
navLights Vessel Constrained By Draught Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Constrained By Draught. Port aspect.
navLights Vessel Constrained By Draught Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Constrained By Draught. Bow aspect.
navLights Vessel Aground Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel has run aground. Starboard Aspect.
navLights Vessel Aground Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Vessel has run aground. Port Aspect.
navLights Trawler Under Way Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Trawler. Under Way. Starboard aspect.
navLights Trawler Under Way Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Trawler. Under Way. Port aspect.
navLights Sailing Boat Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Sailing boat under 20 metres. Under way. Bow Aspect.
navLights Pilot Vessel Under Way Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Pilot vessel. Under way. Starboard aspect.
navLights Pilot Vessel Under Way Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Pilot vessel. Under way. Port aspect.
navLights Pilot Vessel Under Way Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Pilot vessel. Under way. Bow aspect.
NavLights multiple possible answers.jpg
MULTIPLE ANSWERS: 1. Vessel at anchor. 2. Vessel's stern light. 3. Powered boat under 7 metres. 4. Boat Under oars.
NavLights Minesweeper Making Way Bow Aspect 500x400.jpg
Minesweeper. Making Way. Bow aspect.
navLights Fishing Vessel Under Way Starboard Aspect 500x400.jpg
Fishing vessel. Under Way. Starboard aspect.
navlights Fishing Vessel Under Way Port Aspect 500x400.jpg
Fishing vessel. Under Way. Port aspect.
sounds last vessel in tow 500x400.jpg
Last vessel being towed.
sound vessel coming around bend 500x400.jpg
Vessel is approaching a blind bend.
sound vessel at anchor over 100 metres 500x400.jpg
Vessel at anchor. Over 100 metres in length.
sound turning to starboard 500x400.jpg
I am turning to starboard.
sound please make your intentions clear 500x400.jpg
Five or more short sounds. Please make your intentions clear / Get out of the way.
sound pilot vessel on duty 500x400.jpg
Piloted vessel with pilot on board.
sound I intend to overtake on your starboard side 500x400.jpg
I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.
sound I intend to overtake on your port side 500x400.jpg
I intend to overtake you on your port side.
sound i am turning to port.jpg
I am turning to port.
sound fog vessel underway but not making way 500x400.jpg
(IN FOG) Motor vessel underway but not making way.
sound fog motor vessel underway and making way 500x400.jpg
(IN FOG) Motor vessel is under way and making way.
sound fog hampered vessels 500x400.jpg
(IN FOG) Sound made by all hampered vessels (trawlers, fishing boats, sail boats, NUC, RAM and CBD).
sound fog at anchor warning of collision 500x400.jpg
(IN FOG) At anchor - Warning of a collision.
sound fog at anchor less than 100 metres 500x400.jpg
(IN FOG) Vessel less than 100 metres in length at anchor.
sound agreement by overtaken vessel 500x400.jpg
Agreement / acknowledgement by vessel being overtaken.
Windward Boat Gives Way Both Boats On Starboard Tack Boat B Stands On Boat A Gives Way 500x400.jpg
Boat B stands on, Boat A gives way. Windward boat gives way when both boats are on the same tack.
Windward Boat Gives Way Boat B Stands On Boat A Gives Way 500x400.jpg
Boat B stands on, Boat A gives way. Windward boat gives way when both boats are on the same tack.
Starboard Tack Boat Stands On Boat A Stands On Boat B Give Way 500x400.jpg
Boat A stands on, Boat B gives way. Boat on a starboard tack has priority over boat on a port tack.
Motor Vessels Give Way To Sailing Vessels Boat A Stands On Boat B Gives Way 500x400.jpg
Boat A stands on, Boat B must give way. Motor vessels must give way to sailing boats as they can manoeuvre better.
Motor Boats Bow To Bow Both Give Way Both Should Turn To Starboard 500x400.jpg
Both boats must give way, both boats should turn to starboard. Motor vessels facing head on must both alter course to avoid collision.
Motor Boat Who Has Another Boat To Its Starboard Gives Way Boat B Stands On Boat A Gives Way 500x400.jpg
Boat B Is the stand on boat, Boat A gives way. Motor boat who has another boat to its starboard, must give way, stop, slow down or dramatically alter course.
Boat A On Starboard Tack A Stands On Boat B On A Port Tack Gives Way 500x400.jpg
Boat A is stand on boat, Boat B gives way. Boat on a starboard tack has priority over boat on a port tack.